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Digital Transformation for Engineering-Driven Organizations

Digital Transformation is simply taking your intellectual property (including complex CAD files) and digitizing those files so that they can be shared with the right people at the right time in your product development process.

Talk to an expert

We at 3 HTi are industry leaders in implementing digital transformation consulting solutions to solve common problems like: supply chain challenges, eliminating data and file duplication, streamlining processes. Solving these challenges provides a measurable ROI to increase revenues and profit.

If you want to unlock the power of your engineering data, collaborate more effectively across business units, and improve your top and bottom line, our team of experts are here to help.

Digital Transformation – what does it mean for your company?

The key emphasis for any digital transformation is on data. As engineering data is democratized across an organization, every facet of the business benefits. Don’t think of 3D CAD models as strictly engineering files — making these files accessible outside of the engineering department is ultimately the end goal of any Digital Transformation journey.

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software isn’t a static data vault, it’s an ERP system for engineering data that spans multiple internal and external departments. Companies that invested in the proper tools and adopted digital transformation strategies early on have moved into leading market positions, beating their competition thanks to efficiency and innovation that grew out of cohesive efforts to transform their businesses. PLM, Augmented Reality, and the Internet of Things continue to expand possibilities for industrial manufacturers in the 2020s.

For engineering-driven companies, the need to digitize is apparent. Some critical areas where DX increases efficiency for manufacturers include:

  • faster and more efficient design processes
  • enhanced collaboration
  • simulation and “digital twin” technology that greatly reduces prototyping costs
  • additive manufacturing for production
  • “digital threads” that eliminate data siloing between business units

What is a Digital Thread

According to Tech Target, the digital thread is “a communication framework that connects traditionally siloed elements in manufacturing processes and provides an integrated view of an asset throughout the manufacturing lifecycle.” We define it more generally as an integrated view of everything about an asset or product throughout its lifecycle.

Who Benefits from a Digital Thread?

ENGINEERING: Two-thirds of Engineering departments that have implemented a digital thread initiative report improved engineering efficiency.

MANUFACTURING: 65% of Manufacturing departments that have implemented a digital thread report that their company has improved time to market.

QUALITY: Three-quarters of Quality departments that have implemented a digital thread say it has improved product quality.

IT: 70% of IT departments report faster time to market from the digital thread.

FIELD SERVICE: Top Performers are 44% more likely to use analytics on top of their digital thread to gain insights.
Source: Buyer’s Guide: Choosing the Right Enterprise PLM to Support the Digital Thread. Tech-Clarity, 2020.

As a digital transformation leader, 3 HTi’s suite of products and services delivers powerful technology that enables companies of all sizes to design and manufacture more efficiently.

Our solutions suite includes:

  • CAD software with advanced functionality such as simulation and MBD to help our customers design better products in less time
  • PLM and data management tools thatstreamline process and add value downstream of the engineering department
  • A world-class technical services team to support your initiatives and help execute your DX goals, keeping your teams focused on what they know best – your business
    • Managed cloud hosting solutions
    • We are the Windchill implementers and systems administrator for 29% of our customers
    • Added security via systems administration and software compliance/environmental audits
  • 3D printers with the precision and material durability to manufacture functional parts
  • Advanced software and hardware like Augmented Reality, rugged wearable devices, Smart Connected Products, and robust analytics tools that help your human capital and technology investments perform more efficiently
  • Access to partners that extend your CAD and PLM investments:
    • File search, CAD shape search and duplication management – iSEEK
    • 3D rendering services – Keyshot

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Case Studies, Brochures and White Papers

VOLVO CE PLM fundamentals


A Practical Guide to Scale Industry 4.0

Eaton Accelerates Industry 4.0 Transformation

Close the skills gap and USHER-IN INDUSTRY 4.0

The Foundation of the Digital Thread and digital twin

The State of Digital Thread

3Hti ptc platinum partner

3 HTi is the largest PTC reseller in North America. As a platinum reseller, 3HTi can provide the best possible prices and the highest level of support for every PTC product.

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THE Digital Thread. Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

    Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

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