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ThingWorx Navigate

ThingWorx Navigate is a set of apps that allow users across your company to access current product data from multiple sources. By democratizing product data, you can make better quality products, faster.

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Seven Apps

ThingWorx Navigate is a set of apps that allow users across your company to easily access current product development data from multiple sources. For example, your designers could see requirements from your engineering group, your executive team could see drawings from the design group, and your purchasing department could see part lists as they are being developed. Users have role based access so each group can get the information that is meaningful to their viewpoint. ThingWorx Navigate can pull data from your current PLM and ERP software and other enterprise systems of record so that users are seeing the most up-to-date and accurate data. Democratizing product data can help you make better quality products, faster.

The seven apps – which can be used on desktop or mobile – are:

ThingWorx Navigate – We Hate Waiting for Data Too

Explore how you can accelerate time to market using the advanced enterprise tools within ThingWorx Navigate.

Enterprise PLM and Connected Devices at Whirlpool

See how ThingWorx Navigate has helped Whirlpool redefine themselves. Instead of just being a “100-year-old manufacturing company,” Whirlpool has evolved into a modern organization that creates incredible consumer experiences through advanced products.

Innovator: Role and Task-based Access

Understand why role-based access is critical for modern organizations and how ThingWrox Navigate makes it simple for you to implement.


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Case Studies, Brochures and White Papers

ThingWorx Navigate Data Sheet

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THE Digital Thread. Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

    Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

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  • A floating license will allow multiple people to share a license if they use it at different times. If everyone needs access at the same time, you will need multiple licenses.
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