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Computer Aided Verification

Pro Engineer CAMQuality Counts…When bridging the digital model and the physical part, there are potential pitfalls of accuracy and production hang-ups. Pro/ENGINEER Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Software allows design and manufacturing engineers to inspect design integrity and manufacturing processes, thereby “building in” quality early, and inexpensively.

Pro/ENGINEER Plastic Advisor

Mold filling analysis…Problems found after tooling development are always expensive and frustrating.  For plastic part design and manufacture, there is a better way.  By simulating the plastic-filling process for injection-molded parts, Pro/ENGINEER Plastic Advisor enables engineers to design for manufacturability, uncover problems, and propose remedies, reducing development time and expense.

Pro/ENGINEER Computer-Aided Verification

Quality inspection…Ensuring that proper manufacturing processes are conducted is an essential, but potentially expensive proposition.  Pro/ENGINEER Computer-Aided Verification delivers a straightforward, economical answer.  It allows digital inspections of machined parts and assemblies for quality assurance purposes and supports both CMM machines and laser scanners. Thus, this integral digital quality checking saves time, effort, and money.


Cut Metal…NC machining often trails product design, resulting in a lag in the development process and an unnecessary waste of time and money. Although this is often the case, it need not be.  Pro/ENGINEER Computer Aided Manufacturing Software allows manufacturing engineers to take a more central role in providing design feedback, while allowing associative NC tool path creation to proceed concurrently with design.

Pro/ENGINEER Complete Machining

Comprehensive machining…Pro/ENGINEER Complete Machining offers a full solution for creation of all types of programs for CNC machines, from the simple to the very complex. It includes the capabilities of Pro/ENGINEER Production Machining, extended to multi-axis machining, encompassing full NC programming capabilities and tool libraries.

Pro/ENGINEER Prismatic and Multi-surface Milling

Complete milling…Not all CAM solutions are created equal.  Some tools emphasize ease-of-use, others promote cost advantages.  The best solution would be price competitive, feature-rich, yet, unlike standalone CAM tools, it would enjoy seamless compatibility with the design.  This is Pro/ENGINEER Prismatic and Multi-Surface Milling.  A virtual milling “specialist” for prismatic machining, it greatly and affordably increases NC productivity.

Pro/ENGINEER NC Sheetmetal

Punch and bend metal…Inefficient sheetmetal manufacturing entails high levels of scrap, and manually-conducted repetitive operations.  Eliminating these problems is the domain of Pro/ENGINEER NC Sheetmetal.  You gain productivity by automatically creating and optimizing toolpaths using standard and form tools.  And, with its smart auto-nesting, you utilize maximum sheet area, reduce scrap and material costs and shorten lead times.

Pro/ENGINEER Production Machining

Optimized NC Sequences…CAM, if treated secondarily to CAD, can yield opportunities for costly delays and production mistakes.  Pro/ENGINEER Production Machining provides manufacturing engineers and job shops with robust NC programming capabilities spanning: milling, turning, and wire EDM.  And, since it enjoys seamless compatibility with the design, changes are automatically incorporated.  The result: improved time to production and customer responsiveness.


Tooling development…Tooling design and production is frequently and unduly constrained by the design schedule, wasting precious time. However, Pro/ENGINEER allows toolmakers to begin their work earlier, directly referencing the 3D design to develop tooling concurrently.  And, with the full associativity of Pro/ENGINEER, toolmakers work in complete confidence knowing that design changes will appropriately update all tooling deliverables.

Pro/ENGINEER Tool Design

Core and cavity design…Product design complexity is often over-shadowed by the complexity required of the mold. Pro/ENGINEER Tool Design can create even the most complex single- and multiple-cavity molds. A process-driven workflow guides the user through each step.  Automated parting surface creation and automated splitting make it easy for even the occasional user to create complex tooling quickly.

Pro/ENGINEER Expert Moldbase

Simplified moldbase design…Many toolmakers rely on a 2D CAD approach for designing moldbases.  Accordingly, Pro/ENGINEER Expert Moldbase provides an ideal solution.  Process-based and easy-to-learn, it allows the toolmaker to work in a familiar 2D environment, while employing all the power and benefits of 3D, drastically cutting lead time.

Pro/ENGINEER Complete Mold Design

Total mold design…Professional mold designers now have everything they need to completely design an entire mold assembly – core, cavity and moldbase – in one package. Pro/ENGINEER Complete Mold Design combines all the features of Tool Design and Expert Moldbase, offering a powerful combination of capabilities for specialized mold assembly creation.

Pro/ENGINEER Progressive Die

Fast progressive die design…Tooling development for progressive dies is best approached with a purpose-built solution. With Pro/ENGINEER Progressive Die software, easy-to-use wizards guide the user through automatic strip layout definition, cut stamp creation, and placement/modification of die components. Documentation, clearance cuts, and drilled holes are created automatically, enabling die designers to avoid manual, error-prone tasks.


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