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Webinar Replay: Customizing Windchill PLM with ThingWorx Navigate

How does your engineering department hand off product related information (drawings, designs, documents, spec sheets) to other departments that need that information? How are you able to include stakeholders across the business in critical processes? How quickly is engineering informed about problems downstream in processes and operations? It’s difficult to make confident decisions without being […]

How does your engineering department hand off product related information (drawings, designs, documents, spec sheets) to other departments that need that information? How are you able to include stakeholders across the business in critical processes? How quickly is engineering informed about problems downstream in processes and operations? It’s difficult to make confident decisions without being informed.
ThingWorx Navigate empowers your people to make informed decisions. Everyone in the organization can see, access, and contribute to PLM processes using a single authoritative source of product data along the entire product lifecycle so that all work is value adding. Operators, service technicians, quality inspectors, and others are provided secure access to PLM content through simplified role and task-based apps, helping them meet schedule, cost, and quality goals.

Join 3 HTi and PTC on Wednesday, April 19th at noon EDT for an overview and live demo of ThingWorx Navigate for Windchill PLM. Contact us with questions at or call (866) 324-3484.

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ThingWorx Navigate Data Sheet

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