Like any major initiative at your company, executing a Digital Transformation strategy requires a plan. Without a structure and the proper resources, even the best-laid plans can fail. Stephen Covey’s second habit of highly effective people is beginning with the end in mind, but you still start at the beginning!
Your First Step
The first step of any Digital Transformation initiative must be developing a business-led technology roadmap. According to McKinsey, leaders must develop and align a digital vision for the organization. Simply choosing a “best-of-breed” strategy fails to account for unique challenges of your situation. Will incumbent business be disrupted? How will a shift in strategy affect downstream partners? Are the proposed initiatives feasible and what is their value?
Failure to understand the implications of a strategy and whether or not it is executable is the most common cause of half-baked or abandoned DX strategies. Companies looking to maximize value of a digital transformation must design a roadmap based on results, not on technology. This requires an honest and thorough examination of the challenges you face and what solutions can solve those problems.
Your DX Guide
Working with an expert guide is the easiest way to ensure success in DX. Don’t take on the first step of your digital transformation alone. 3 HTi offers experienced technical resources to make your digital transformation initiative a success. We can guide you at any stage of the process, whether you need help designing your business-led tech roadmap or simply need software or hardware to help get you to your business goals. # HTi has been a digital transformation leader for industrial companies for over 20 years. Contact us today if you seek an expert guide to complete your own DX journey.