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March 25, 2015

We’re Hiring Product Development Sales Representatives

We’re Hiring Product Development Sales Representatives? Is that you? 3 HTi is looking for motivated Product Development Sales Representatives.

We’re Hiring PLM Sales Representatives

We’re Hiring PLM Sales Representatives? 3 HTi is looking for motivated PLM Sales Representatives. Is that you? We’re Hiring PLM Sales Representatives.

August 20, 2014

PTC Global Support Enhancements Help Streamline your Design Process

We at 3 HTi are asked often about the value that is provided from having Global Support from PTC. This is normally asked by customers that don’t experience any issues with their software wondering why they should renew a Global Support contract. The fact is keeping a Global Support contact to resolve issues is only […]

July 22, 2014

Whirlpool and PTC: Nearly Three Decades Strong

Since 1911, Whirlpool has been innovating home appliances. For the past hundred-plus years, the world’s #1 major appliance company’s products shifted from basic devices to complex fusions of machinery, electronics and software. In some cases, like the modern washing machine, the products barely resemble their original iterations. Constellation: The Star of Whirlpool’s Product Development Whirlpool […]

THE Digital Thread. Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

    Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

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  • A floating license will allow multiple people to share a license if they use it at different times. If everyone needs access at the same time, you will need multiple licenses.
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