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Digital Thread: Technologies Transformation and Innovations

Explore Digital Transformation and innovation with cutting-edge Digital Thread Technology at 3 HTI. Discover how the seamless integration of digital technologies reshapes industries, creating a connected, efficient, and innovative landscape. Dive into the possibilities and uncover the transformative power of our Digital Transformation technologies.

September 26, 2018

Digital Transformation: Creating Products and Services in a Digital World

If you learned that your competitors had adopted a new tool that improved operational efficiency, time to market, product quality, and the ability to meet customer expectations, you’d want some of that too. Yet a recent survey conducted by CorporateLeaders shows that only 23 percent of respondents have completed their digital transformation journey, and 23 […]

June 29, 2018

Current and Future Industry 4.0 Trends

Industry 4.0 is the name for a collective of exciting emerging new technologies that are changing the face of manufacturing. The global market for these technologies is expected to reach $214 billion by 2013, according to research from MarketLinker. Here are a few of the trends that are shaping the future of our most important […]

June 27, 2018

Understanding Industry 4.0 and IoT | Industry 4.0 and IoT Definition

Both Industry 4.0 and IoT (internet of things) refer to the changes the manufacturing industry is currently experiencing, however, according to their definitions, the two terms are not interchangeable. Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth wave of the industrial revolution, while IoT refers to the connectivity of devices and the benefits that can bring to […]

May 30, 2018

Different IoT Platform Comparison: ThingWorx vs. AWS

As IoT, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and digital twins become more ubiquitous, the cloud has become the computing platform of choice. But with so much riding on speed and performance, choosing the right cloud platform can be the difference between project success and project failure. If your project is relatively simple—like hosting your […]

April 18, 2018

Understanding the Digital Thread

The rush to digital transformation has spawned a whole new vocabulary that has not been well defined. One of the latest terms to emerge is the digital thread. If you’re wondering what it is and what it means for your manufacturing operations, read on. Defining the Digital Thread A digital thread is an integrated view of everything […]

March 20, 2018

PTC ThingWorx: The Ideal Platform for Your Industry 4.0 Journey

IoT: Manufacturing and Design McKinsey estimates that the IoT (Internet of Things) will have an economic impact of up to $11.1 trillion per year by 2025.  They contend that 127 new devices connect to the Internet every second. That’s a lot of new devices, and the IoT is influencing product design in unexpected ways as […]

January 1, 2018

Digital Transformation: What to Expect in 2018

We are in an era of digital transformation. From energy to technology, how we operate in the world is changing at an ever-increasing pace. Manufacturing is adopting new transformational technologies more than any other industry. Here are some of the most impactful digital transformation technologies that we anticipate will shape 2018 and beyond. 3D Printing […]


THE Digital Thread. Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

    Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

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