“Silver Tsunami” is a common metaphor for the surge of retiring workers. Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute expect, over the next decade, there will be a whopping 2.4 million manufacturing positions unfilled – leaving us with a serious manufacturing skills gap.
The Problem: Manufacturing Skills Gap
When these skilled workers retire, they exit with decades of proprietary knowledge. They might not have the skills to adequately train someone else to do their jobs. For example, they might omit essential steps that they assume are obvious, but this puts safety and productivity at risk.
Hiring, training, and maintaining new employees, especially in the industrial sector, is challenging and expensive. Workers that are improperly trained can increase scrap, cause more unplanned machine downtime, and have a higher rate of accidents. High turnover rates further exasperate the bottom line. An efficient, reliable training strategy minimizes these risks, increases productivity, and improves morale to combat the issues created by this manufacturing skills gap.
If employees aren’t trained properly, they can cost the organization time and money.
The Solution: Vuforia Expert Capture
Vuforia Expert Capture helps experienced workers accurately record each step-by-step task that is required to complete a process. No step is overlooked or forgotten. Then, this knowledge is transferred and used to generate an augmented reality experience for the future. This AR experience can be given to a new worker to complete training offsite or while they are working, so they can replicate the tasks flawlessly.
Vuforia Expert Capture helps convert proprietary expert knowledge into AR experiences that can be used for training and on-site guidance.
Each task includes instructions regarding each component of the process. For example, if removing a battery is required, you can include instructions for the proper way to dispose of the battery. If regulations change which impacts the procedure – maybe new recycling techniques are implemented – it is easy to update the instructions, so the user knows and follows the new procedure. There’s no need for workers to carry around heavy instruction manuals or try to keep them updated with handwritten notes – when procedures change, the AR experience can be quickly modified to reflect those changes.
With Vuforia Expert Capture, you can avert the danger of the Silver Tsunami and the manufacturing skills gap by enticing young, new workers who contribute immediate value to your manufacturing success.
Want to explore the impacts that Vuforia Expert Capture could have on your manufacturing processes?