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November 20, 2014

3 HTi Expands Team and Product Portfolio to Support Growing Customer Base

To keep pace with the demands of PTC’s growing Channel Advantage Program across the USA, 3 HTi is growing, too.

June 17, 2014

3 HTi Sponsors PTC’s PMC Challenge

From August 2-3, 2014, Team PTC will join more that 5,500 cyclists and 3,400 volunteers in riding 190 miles across Massachusetts as part of the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge (PMC). The PMC is an annual bike-a-thon that currently raises more money for charity than any other single event in the country. Since its founding in 1980, the […]

June 3, 2014

5 Tech Trends in 2014

2014 is shaping up to be a landmark year for existing technology trends to move to the forefront of society. Here are five trends we’re predicting will be big in 2014: Wearable technology Google Glass. Samsung’s Galaxy Gear Smartwatch. The iWatch. With all these technologies released or on the way, and Sony and LG not […]

May 20, 2014

The Importance of Design Agility

According to a recent study by PTC, 37.9% of engineers experienced dramatic or multiple last-minute changes working on a recent project. That means over one-third of engineers require extensive “design agility” as part of their modeling process. “Design Agility” is the quickness, ease and flexibility one has to have in order to make changes in […]

April 15, 2014

3 HTi Spotlighted in CIO Review

Earlier this month, CIO Review sat down with 3 HTi President Garry Hoffman to discuss the company’s conception. CIO Review is a widely read technology magazine that covers outstanding innovative enterprise solutions. After nearly 10 years at PTC, Garry realized that customers that produce, or help produce, discretely manufactured products need skillful, well-versed systems integrators. […]

January 17, 2014

MCAD Tips and Tricks – Bill of Material’s Creation

Pro/REPORT is a powerful component of Creo Parametric drawing mode which allows highly customizable tables to be automatically created and added to drawings. While Pro/REPORT is primarily used for the creation of BOM tables, it can also be used to create tabulated drawings of family table parts. This document describes its use for BOM generation. […]

November 8, 2013

5 Ways to Make Product Data Management Easier

A major part of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is Product Data Management (PDM). As an essential part of any product design effort, a PDM system needs to securely store your 3D CAD files and other data while providing a solution for easy access. You need to be able to share your designs with both internal […]

THE Digital Thread. Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

    Digitizing your Product Development Footprint.

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