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July 16, 2014

Six Companies Consolidating on PTC Creo

A consolidated CAD strategy – one that unites all in-house design work under one CAD package – can save companies a ton on IT, support and hardware. Since PTC Creo was introduced in 2011, many companies have gone from having multiple CAD software solutions to using PTC Creo for all of their design work. The […]

July 1, 2014

PTC FMX: Worry-Free Last Minute Changes

Design cycles are unpredictable. Every engineer, designer, and project manager has a horror story about unforeseen design changes, client requests or malfunctioning technology completely threw their plan off-schedule. What was a carefully crafted timetable suddenly turns into a scramble to deliver a product on time that also has to meet completely new requirements. No, this […]

June 24, 2014

Announcing Creo 3.0!

Last week, PTC announced the upcoming release of Creo Parametric 3.0. Its new features and capabilities will supplement proven technologies from Pro/ENGINEER to help address the most pressing design challenges. Unite Technology The new Unite™ technology will make it easier than ever to use CAD files from a variety of systems directly in PTC Creo […]

May 7, 2014

PTC Creo Advanced Simulation Demo

Problems found earlier in the design process reduce development costs and save time.  See how PTC Creo advanced simulation expands the capabilities of PTC Creo Simulate and allows the study of how advanced, nonlinear effects influence the product design. In just 25 minutes, see how PTC’s advanced simulation solutions can help you accurately: Define and […]

April 29, 2014

A “Sweet Spot” for Finite Element Analysis

Computer simulation tools for Mechanical Engineers have been around for the last thirty years or so, holding a reputation of being difficult and ruinously expensive.  Today they encompass mainstream techniques used in nearly every industry. PTC offers a tool called Creo Simulate, formerly Pro/Mechanica, which performs “Finite Element Analysis” on structural and thermal conduction designs. […]

January 10, 2014

Creo Simulate Demo

[KGVID width=”640″ height=”360″] Simulate Demo.mp4[/KGVID]

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