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One of the most time consuming elements of CFD is simplifying the geometry in preparation for the analysis stage.

Prepping Your Model

Step 1: Remove unnecessary features and simplify your model. You want to remove features that add to the mesh count (and slow the analysis) without actually affecting the result. To do so, just find the features in the Creo tree and suppress them. Step 2: Solidify any surfaces using the Creo Solidify command. Step 3: Create a closed fluid domain by putting lids on the inlets and outlets using the FloEFD create lids feature. Step 4: Use the Check Geometry feature in FloEFD to see if there any further issues. Step 5: Track down and plug any leaks using the Leak Tracking tool in FloEFD.

The model should now be ready for testing!

As you can see prepping a model for analysis is much easier when it is embedded in the CAD tool, as we are able to take advantage of the complementary functionality and features in both the CAD and the Analysis tools. This is just one of the reasons that 3 HTi is a fan of FloEFD for Creo. Note that unlike many analysis tools, FloEFD for Creo can easily handle overlapping geometry — so there’s no need to laboriously find and deal with overlapping geometry. This is another great feature that makes FloEFD such a pleasure to use with Creo.

Watch the video

Watch the five minute video explaining how to prep your model for analysis with FloEFD Creo.

What is FloEFD?

FloEFD from Mentor Graphics is a general purpose computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis tool which is embedded in PTC Creo. FloEFD can handle a range of CFD simulation and analysis tasks based around fluid flow and heat transfer directly from within Creo.


Get a free 30-day trial version and on-demand test-drive/tutorial that focuses on:

  • How FloEFD deals with complex MCAD data
  • FloEFD’s CAD embedded CFD approach
  • How to leverage parametric variations
  • Ease of use and accuracy for designers
  • How analysis results can drive design decisions