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The EnvisionTEC Viridis 3D printer is an additive manufacturing system that utilizes Robotics Additive Manufacturing (RAM) technology to create custom castings in a matter of hours. The printer uses a proprietary print head attached to an ABB robotic arm to quickly create:

The EnvisionTEC Viridis 3D printer cuts down on the costs and time associated with creating castings compared to traditional methods. The printer is 1/3 the price of other print casting machines and complete part production time is reduced from 8-10 weeks to just 2-3 days.

The EnvisionTEC Viridis 3D Printer costs 66% LESS than other casting machines and allows foundries to begin producing custom parts in just 2-3 days.


This custom casting 3D printer provides metal foundries with numerous benefits including:

How it Works

Software Process

  1. Launch and upload STL files into the Viriprint program.
  2. Users can set up, scale, orient, and justify the build volume of their print.
  3. Save print setup and orientation settings for easy repeat prints or to share settings with other foundries.
  4. Begin print job.

Printing Process

  1. Sandhopper delivery system fills the printer head from the backside with sand (solid consumable).
  2. ABB robotic arm positions the print head over the table.
  3. The Viridis 3D printing head drops, spreads, and prints the sand and binder jetting fluid.
  4. CAD software guides the arm, raising the height to complete the printing process layer by layer until the mold is complete.

Technical Specs

  • Print head and build size options
    • 28” wide for 12 print heads
      • RAM 123 (1’ x 2’ x 3’)
      • RAM 224 (2’ x 2’ x 4’)
    • 38” wide for 16 print heads
      • RAM 236 (2’ x 3’ x 6’)
      • RAM 336 (3’ x 3’ x 6’)
  • Base sand options
    • Silica sands
    • GFN Oklahoma
    • Wedron
  • Additional sand options
    • GFN65 round
    • GFN65 subangular
  • Binder: Modified Furan
  • Catalyst: Premixed dry acid-based
  • Layer
    • Width: 200μ – 500μ
    • Accuracy: +/- 0.010”
  • Printing speed: 5 – 2.5 inches per hour
  • Compatibility
    • Ferrous sand casting
    • Nonferrous sand casting
  • Cast strength
    • Ambient dry: 175psi
    • Oven baked at 350°F: >370psi

Custom Casting with the EnvisionTEC Viridis 3D Printing System

Interested in learning more about the complete EnvisionTEC Viridis 3D printing system? Contact us.

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Case Studies, Brochures and White Papers

D4K Fact Sheet

P4K Fact Sheet

Envision One Fact Sheet

Xtreme 8K Fact Sheet

Case Study: Regenbogen Studios

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