3 HTi is enthused to announce the release of Creo 10! PTC first broke new ground with the first release of Creo back in 2011 by writing a direct modeling code from Co-Create software on the PTC Granite Kernel engine that ran Pro/ENGINEER. The result was Creo, providing direct modeling capabilities in a parametric setting […]
3 HTi is enthused to announce the release of Creo 10! PTC first broke new ground with the first release of Creo back in 2011 by writing a direct modeling code from Co-Create software on the PTC Granite Kernel engine that ran Pro/ENGINEER. The result was Creo, providing direct modeling capabilities in a parametric setting so users can try ideas and iterations quickly and easily. With the new release of Creo 10, PTC does a nice job with the evolution of the product by adding or improving the following capabilities.
Save your spot now to learn about the newest usability and productivity enhancements available in Creo 10, including:
• New composites design and analysis tools
• Updated simulation-driven design and generative design
• Enhanced additive and subtractive manufacturing tools
As always, if you have questions, please contact 3 HTi at info@3hti.com or (866) 624-3484.
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